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The Baroness of Banking
Maggie L. Walker Built It, Ran It, and Kept the Receipts
The Economics of Pet Ownership
Furry friends don’t come cheap.
This Election is Coconuts
8MM Gen Z voters are entering the US electorate in 2024, and so far Presidential hopeful, Kamala...
New Year’s Eve, By the Numbers
10... 9... 8...
The Business of Holiday Hits
You come at the Queen of Christmas, you best not miss
The Business of the World Cup
The big numbers behind the world’s biggest sporting event
The Business of Influence
Did FTX kill the age of influence?
The Recession ABCs
Charting the Greatest Hits from the economy’s biggest Ls
Some Very High-Priced Advice
...for that person who just won the PowerBall
The Economics of A Lottery Win
Running the Numbers on Winning Numbers
The Economics of Seasonal Pop-Up Stores
Retail bottom-feeders, or real estate saviours?
The Business of Scary Movies
Horror movies make scary-good money
The Business of Halloween
Inflation’s affecting everything. Even Halloween.
The Business of Money
The cost of making (new) cents.
Will Superstition Make You Rich?
The Economics of Superstition and the Markets.
The Market for Collectibles: Sports Edition
Why you should hang onto your baseball card collection
The Business of Nostalgia
Too soon, too soon.
How To Tell If We’re In A Recession
And other dubious lessons from the past
The Economics of Emotions
Shopping is a Mind Game
LeBron Makes Bank
Minute by Minute
LeBron Gets the Last Word
Actually, he'll own it. A primer on trademarks.
The Economics of the NBA Draft
From overnight millionaire to overnight cautionary tale.
The Cost of Building Jurassic Park
Crunching the numbers on the world’s most dangerous amusement park
The Business of Web3
News from the future of the Internet
My kid wants $100K sneakers for the Metaverse. Is there a Universe where this makes sense?
A perplexed parent’s guide to NFT footwear.
The Economics of Being Tom Cruise
40 years in Hollywood by the Numbers
Yes, We Mind the Wage Gap
Gen Z wants to shrink the wage gap by... talking.
A Burger Explains Inflation
Everyone's freaked out about inflation, but what is it exactly? (Asking for a friend)
The Business of Bans
From books to beef to screen time, a peep at the profit margins of prohibition.
Inflation’s Hitting the Tooth Fairy
My six-year-old just mentioned that her friend got $20 from the Tooth Fairy. Is that the going...
If I Had a Million Dollars…
Could I Even Afford the Things in this Song? Wealthie investigates.
The Business of Memes
Fast reads on things kids care about, or cared about, or may care about again.
The Business of Gaming
a cheat sheet for what matters (maybe) to the kids in your life.
Your Kids Know More Than You: NFT Edition
The ABCs of NFTs.
Always take the doubling pennies
Exponential growth starts small but picks up speed fast!