
“You can’t just spend all your money on stuff or you’ll end up with no money”

What Emily, a 7.5-year old, thinks about money

Interviews with Kids: Emily
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This is part of The Wealthie Interviews With Kids, our ongoing series that helps parents talk to their children about money. Today’s kid is Emily, a seven-and-a-half-year-old. Want to ask your kid these questions? Our script is here, and if you’d like us to publish the results, let us know! We’ll commission a portrait for every kid we feature.

What would you do if I gave you $10?

I would say thank you and can you bring me somewhere to spend it?

What would you do if I gave you $100?

I would say thank you.

What would you do if I gave you a million dollars?

I would say let’s go spend this money!

What’s the best gift you’ve ever been given?

My monkeys.

What’s the worst gift you’ve ever been given?

Nothing. I like all of my gifts.

What’s the cheapest thing you can think of?


What’s the most expensive thing you can think of?

A mansion.

How do people get money?

They could sell things.

What can people do with money?

They could save up or they could spend it on stuff.

What are THREE things people should know about money?

  1. It’s dirty. Don’t put it in your mouth.
  2. You can’t just spend all your money on stuff or you’ll end up with no money.
  3. Money could be paper and metal.
Wealthie’s Interviews with Kids are an ongoing project. If your kid would like to take part, you can find the questions here.